4th Grade Lessons 11 - 20


Lesson 11: Screen Time Vs Family Time

Identify the impact of screen time on family life.

Listen to your teacher's directions.

Lesson 12:

Digital Dictionaries, Thesaurus, and Glossaries, Oh My!

You will be going on a Scavenger Hunt to learn about the above items.


Lesson 13:

We will be using Code.org to solve a Block-Based coding problem. We will be using Block-Based coding and conditionals to solve this problem.

Lesson 14:

Learn about different types of graphs and why you choose one type from another.

Lesson 15:

In this lesson you will continue with lesson 15. You will be using a spreadsheet to distinguish different types of graphs or charts representing data, using Google Sheets.

Lesson 16: Google Slide

You are going to create a Google Slide presentation that you will eventually share with your classmates.

Click here to get the directions.

Here is an example of what your finished product should look like.

Lesson 17:

You will be learning about vector graphic tools / differentiate graphic types in Google Draw/ Part 1

.png .jpg .svg .gif

This is what you will be creating: Teacher Sample

Student instructions:

    1. Insert an image of each file type in the correct box
    2. Open up the student sample document and make a copy and name it: “graphicsName”
    3. Put your cursor in the cell of the table below the title.
    4. Go to insert/images/search
    5. Search one of these topics: Trees, Sports, Dogs, Cats
    6. When searching type “ trees.gif (the file type)
    7. Select the image and make sure in the URL (at the bottom left corner) you see the correct file type.
    8. Insert the graphic, adjust the size to fit
    9. The animated .gif won’t appear animated until after you select the image.

Lesson 18:

You will create a vector tangram image using Google Draw / Part 2

Student Files:

      1. Tangram images 1
      2. Tangram images 2
      3. Tangram images 3
      4. Student Sample Slide


Choose the tangram they want to replicate.

You will need to do a screenshot of their choice:

Mac-Command + Shift + 4

Chromebook: Part of a page: Press Crtl + Shift + Switch window. Make sure you know where you saved the screenshot.

  1. Create a new Google Drawing: Name it Lastname:Tangram
  2. Insert the screenshot: Insert drawing/by Upload/upload screenshot/adjust size.
  3. Have students begin replicating, as good as possible, the screenshot example. This is very difficult for some.
  4. Please share the best end product with GoKids.

Lesson 19:

  1. Open your Google Drive and create a NEW document called: lastname:1Page
    1. You will replicate a document that your teacher will give to you.
      1. Centered title
      2. Double spaced
      3. Paragraphs.
      4. Font Arial 12
  2. You will need to type this in class in one setting.

Lesson 20

Lesson 20 Under Construction